Do Border Collies like water

Do Border Collies Like Water? A Expert’s View on Border Collies and Their Relationship with Water

Border Collies are a popular dog breed known for their intelligence, agility, and herding abilities.

But as you might have read, the word “water” is not in that sentence.

Being intelligent, and being good with water, can’t be more apart from each other, so one question that a lot of people wonder is whether or not Border Collies actually like water.

While some dog breeds are natural swimmers, others may not be as comfortable in the water. So, do Border Collies like water? Are they good with swimmers? Can they compete in water sports?

The answer is yes. According to various sources, Border Collies are generally known to enjoy water and swimming. However, like any other dog breed, individual preferences may vary.

In this article, we’ll explore the topic of whether or not Border Collies like water and provide some helpful tips for swimming with your furry friend.

Do Border Collies Like Water

Do Border Collies Like Water

Border Collies are known for their high energy levels and love for physical activities. But when it comes to water, do they enjoy it as much as they do land-based activities?

The answer is yes (most of the time).

Naturally, all dogs will be able to swim if it was needed. That’s not to say that every dog will actually enjoy the swim.

Some Border Collies may not be as fond of water as others, while some may even compete in aquatic sports such as dock diving.

Like humans, each individual dog has their own personality and preferences and a dog’s affinity for water may depend on several factors, including their size, fur thickness, and overall personality.

However, it is safe to say that Border Collies can be taught to enjoy swimming and water activities with proper training and socialization.

And just like with anything new, it’s important to introduce them to water gradually and make sure they feel comfortable and safe.

Overall, while not all Border Collies may naturally love water, with proper dicipline training and socialization, they can learn to enjoy it just as much as any other activity.

Border Collies and Swimming

Border Collies are known for their high energy levels, and swimming is a great way to channel that energy into a fun and healthy activity.

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to Border Collies and swimming.

Natural Swimmers

Border Collies are natural swimmers. They might not all individually love water, but any healthy dog can swim.

They have a thick double coat that helps keep them warm in cold water, and their webbed feet make them excellent swimmers.

Some may be afraid of water or dislike swimming, so it’s important to introduce your dog to water gradually and at their own pace.

If you know your dog well enough, you’ll know how much exposure it should have and how frequently and fast that exposure should be.

Training for Swimming

If your Border Collie doesn’t naturally like swimming, you can still train them to enjoy swimming.

Start by introducing your dog to shallow water first and letting them get used to the sensation of being in the water.

Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to encourage your dog to venture further into the water.

You can also use toys, such as balls or frisbees, to encourage your dog to swim and fetch in the water.

Water Sports

Border Collies are a dog breed that excels at water sports, such as dock diving and water retrieving.

Dock diving involves jumping off a dock and into the water, while water retrieving involves retrieving objects from the water.

These activities provide great exercise and mental stimulation for Border Collies, and they can be a fun way to bond with your dog and spend some time together.


While not all Border Collies enjoy diving, some can also dive and love to explore underwater.

If your dog enjoys diving, you can introduce them to the sport of diving in particular.

This involves teaching your dog to dive underwater and retrieve objects. It’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the depth of the dive.

This activity is a bit riskier, and should probably only be done after some experience as it can be dangerous for the dog’s ears and possibly eyes.

All in all, it’s important to introduce your dog to water gradually and at their own pace, but with patience and positive reinforcement, you can train your Border Collie to enjoy swimming and water sports even if they initially didn’t enjoy them.

Safety Measures for Border Collies in Water

When it comes to introducing your Border Collie to water, safety should always be a top priority.

Here are some safety measures to keep in mind:

Use of Life Jackets

Just like humans, dogs can tire or get into trouble in the water. Anything can happen.

Tip: A life jacket can help keep your Border Collie afloat and make them more visible in the water.

Make sure to choose a life jacket that fits your dog properly and has a handle on the back to help you lift them out of the water if needed.

Monitoring Water Temperature

Water temperature can have a significant impact on your Border Collie’s safety and comfort.

Tip: Cold water can cause hypothermia, while water that is too warm can lead to heat exhaustion, so always check the water temperature before allowing your Border Collie to swim and keep an eye on them for signs of discomfort.

Starting Slowly

Not all dogs will be brilliant swimmers and divers right off the bat, so it’s important to start slowly and gradually build up their confidence and ability.

Tip: Start with shallow water and let them get used to the sensation of being in the water.

You can use a leash if necessary to keep them close and under control.

By following these safety measures, you can help ensure that your Border Collie stays safe and enjoys their time in the water.

Remember to always supervise your dog when they are in or near the water.

How to Encourage a Border Collie to Swim

If you want to encourage your Border Collie to swim, there are a few things you can do to help them gain confidence in the water.

Here are some tips to get you started:

Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to encourage your Border Collie to swim. It’s one of the most effective ways to get your Border Collie to do what you want.

You can use treats, toys, and praise to reward your dog for taking steps towards the water.

Start by rewarding your dog for simply approaching the water’s edge, and gradually work your way up to rewarding them for swimming.

Introducing Water to Puppies

If you have a puppy, it’s important to introduce them to water early on, so as to not make it more difficult later on, if that’s what you really want.

Start by letting them play in shallow water, and gradually work your way up to deeper water.

Puppies need special attention, so make sure to always keep an eye out for them, and don’t foce them to go in if they’re not comfortable.

Health Benefits and Risks of Swimming for Border Collies

Swimming is a great way to provide exercise and mental stimulation for your Border Collie while also keeping them cool and refreshed during hot weather.

However, there are also potential risks and issues to be aware of when it comes to swimming for your furry friend.

Exercise and Mental Health

Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that can help to strengthen your Border Collie’s muscles, improve their cardiovascular health, and provide mental stimulation.

It can also be a great way to bond with your dog and build trust.

Cooling Off and Refreshing

Border Collies are highly active dogs that require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.

Swimming can be an excellent way to provide both of these things while also keeping your dog cool and refreshed during hot weather.

Potential Risks and Issues

While swimming can be a great way to provide exercise and mental stimulation for your Border Collie, there are also potential risks and issues to be aware of.

For example, dogs with arthritis or hip dysplasia may find swimming uncomfortable or painful.

Also, dogs that are not strong swimmers or are afraid of the water may be at risk of drowning or injury.

  • To ensure that your Border Collie stays safe while swimming, supervision is key.
  • If you don’t trust your dog to come at your command, 100% of the time without fail, then providing them with a life jacket could be a good option.
  • You should also be aware of the signs of heat stroke and take steps to prevent it, such as providing plenty of shade and water.

Overall, swimming can be a great way to provide exercise and mental stimulation for your Border Collie, while also keeping them cool and refreshed during hot weather.

With that said, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks and issues and take steps to ensure that your dog stays safe and healthy while swimming.


In conclusion, Border Collies are generally known to be water-loving dogs.

While some may be hesitant to jump into deep pools, most enjoy the feel of the water and are strong swimmers.

As with any breed, individual personalities and past experiences can play a role in a Border Collie’s affinity for water, and so not all dogs will enjoy swimming, and some may even have a fear of water.

Like most behaviors, it can be modified, but it’s crucial to introduce your dog to water gradually and always supervise them around water, especially if they are young or inexperienced swimmers.

Overall, while Border Collies may not all be natural born swimmers, but most do enjoy the water and can even excel (with some training and supervision) in water sports.

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