Are Border Collies Related To Foxes? Exploring the Genetic Similarities

Border collies are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They are known for their intelligence, agility, and herding skills.

However, there has been a long-standing debate about whether border collies are related to foxes. Are Border Collies related to foxes? Or are they more closely related to other dogs?

In this article, we’ll look at the evolutionary history of Border Collies and examine their genetic and physical traits to determine if there is any truth to this claim.

The idea that Border Collies are related to foxes is not new.

Some people believe that the two species share a common ancestor, while others think that Border Collies may have interbred with foxes at some point in their history.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims. In fact, Border Collies and foxes are two separate species with distinct genetic and physical characteristics.

Are Border Collies Related To Foxes

Are Border Collies and Foxes Related?

To answer the question right off the bat:

No, Border Collies and foxes are not closely related.

Foxes are members of the Canidae family, which also includes wolves, coyotes and jackals.

On the other hand, Border Collies are a breed of dog that belongs to the herding group, originally cross-bred for these specific traits.

While Border Collies and foxes may share some physical similarities, such as their pointed ears and bushy tails, they are not closely related genetically speaking.

Foxes have a different number of chromosomes than dogs, and their genetic makeup is different.

It is important to note that Border Collies are a highly intelligent breed of dog that excel in herding and obedience training.

They are known for their agility, speed, and stamina, which make them excellent working dogs.

Foxes, on the other hand, are wild animals that are not domesticated and cannot be trained in the same way as dogs.

In conclusion, Border Collies and foxes are not related. While they may share some physical similarities, their genetic makeup and behavior are vastly different.

Evolutionary History of Border Collies

Origin of Border Collies

Border Collies are a breed of herding dogs that originated in the border region between Scotland and England during the 18th and 19th centuries.

Although dogs similar to today’s Border Collies were most likely working alongside farmers as far back as the first century B.C., all Border Collies alive today can trace their roots back to one common ancestor, a dog named Old Hemp.

The breed was developed to be highly trainable and intelligent, with an intense work ethic and a strong instinct to herd.

Border Collies were originally bred for their working ability rather than their appearance, and they come in a variety of colors and coat types.

Evolutionary Traits

Border Collies are known for their intelligence, energy, and intense focus. They are highly trainable and excel at a variety of tasks, including herding, obedience, agility, and search and rescue.

In terms of physical traits, Border Collies are medium-sized dogs with a moderate amount of coat, which is often thick and prone to shedding.

They have a double coat that varies from smooth to rough and is occasionally curled. Border Collies come in a variety of colors, including black and white, red and white, and tri-color and they typically have a lifespan of 12-15 years.

Overall, the evolutionary history of Border Collies is one of careful breeding and selection for specific traits.

So in relation to foxes, which are wild, they’ve gotten a bit more domestication work done on them.

Are Border Collies Related To Foxes 2

Genetic Similarities and Differences

Genetic Makeup of Border Collies

As we mentioned before, Border Collies are a breed of dog that has been selectively bred for their herding abilities in particular.

Their genetic makeup is primarily canine, with a few key differences that set them apart from other breeds.

In comparison to wolves, for example, their brain size is a smaller likely due to their domestication and evolution alongside humans, which led to a change in diet and lifestyle.

Border Collies require fewer calories to survive than wolves do, which means they do not need the large brains and jaw muscles needed for hunting.

But another key genetic difference when compared to foxes is their coat color and texture. 

Border Collies have a variety of coat colors, including black and white, red and white, and tri-color.

Their coats are typically thick and weather-resistant, which helps them withstand harsh outdoor conditions.

Genetic Makeup of Foxes

Foxes are a type of wild canid that are known for their cunning and intelligence.

And yes, they are closely related to wolves and dogs, but have a few key genetic differences that set them apart.

One of the most notable differences is their smaller size and weight.

Foxes are typically much smaller than wolves and dogs, which makes them more agile and able to navigate through tight spaces.

Another key genetic difference is their coat color and texture.

Foxes have a variety of coat colors, including red, gray, and brown and their coats are typically thick and fluffier, which helps them stay warm in cold weather.

Despite these genetic differences, foxes and dogs share a common ancestor and have many similarities in their genetic makeup.

Overall, while Border Collies and foxes have some genetic similarities, they are also quite different in many ways. Both species have a similar number of chromosomes and share many of the same genes, but are visibly distinct from each other. 

Understanding these differences can help us better appreciate the unique characteristics of each species.

Are Border Collies Related To Foxes 3

Physical Traits Comparison

Physical Traits of Border Collies

Border Collies are medium-sized dogs that are known for their athletic build, agility, and high energy levels.

They have a height range of 18-22 inches (46-58 cm) and a weight range of 30-55 pounds (14-25 kg).

They are often black-and-white, but sometimes red-and-white or tricolour, and have double coated fur.

Border Collies have upright ears and a strong, muscular body that is built for endurance and speed.

They are bred for sheep herding and have a moderate social and attention needs.

Physical Traits of Foxes

Foxes are small to medium-sized animals that are known for their bushy tails, pointed ears, and long snouts.

They have a height range of 8-16 inches (20-40 cm) and a weight range of 6-24 pounds (3-11 kg) [3].

Foxes have short, heavily furred, and rounded ears that limit the dispersal of heat.

They have a slender, agile body and are built for speed and hunting. Foxes have a wide range of coat colors, including red, brown, gray, and black.


So while Border Collies and foxes share some physical traits, such as pointed ears and a strong, muscular body…

They have many differences.

  • Border Collies are much larger than foxes and have long fur, while foxes have short fur and are significantly smaller, so they’re not as closely related to Border Collies, as to other mammals.
  • Likewise, Border Collies are more closely related to other dogs like Australian Shepherds.
  • Border Collies are bred for herding sheep, while foxes are built for hunting and scavenging.
  • Additionally, Border Collies have a moderate social and attention needs, while foxes are solitary, wild animals.

Overall, while Border Collies and foxes may share some physical traits, they are two distinct species with different physical characteristics and purposes.

Behavioral Traits Comparison

Behavioral Traits of Border Collies

Border Collies are highly intelligent dogs with an intense work ethic.

As we mentioned before, they’re known for their herding abilities and have been bred for their intelligence, stamina, and obedience.

These dogs are very active and require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy.

Border Collies are known to be very loyal and affectionate with their owners.

They are also very protective of their family and can be wary of strangers.

They are very trainable and excel in obedience and agility competitions. Border Collies are also very alert and will bark to alert their owners of anything out of the ordinary.

Behavioral Traits of Foxes

Foxes are wild animals that are known for their intelligence and cunning.

They are solitary animals and are not typically kept as pets.

Foxes are known for their ability to adapt to different environments and can be found in a variety of habitats, including forests, deserts, and urban areas.

Foxes are opportunistic hunters and will eat a variety of foods, including small mammals, birds, insects, and fruit.

They’re typically nocturnal and are most active at night, known for their intelligence and ability to problem solve.

They’re very agile and can run up to 40 miles per hour, good climbers and can even jump up to 6 feet in the air.


In conclusion, while Border Collies and foxes share some physical similarities, such as their thick fur and elongated narrow muzzle, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that they are closely related.

In fact, they’re not really that related.

Border Collies are a breed of herding dog that have been used for centuries to help farmers manage their livestock. They are medium-sized dogs that are typically black and white.

Foxes, on the other hand, while they are the smallest member of the dog family, they are not domesticated and are often found in the wild. They’re solitary animals and aren’t closely related to Border Collies.

So while both Border Collies and foxes are fascinating animals, they are not closely related and have distinct genetic and physical characteristics. 

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